Monday, October 14, 2013

Guest Post: Chrystal Hunter : A Day in the Hunter Circus: A Picture an Hour

Hey friends, I leave you again with the capable hands of a guest blogger, Chrystal.  Today, you get to see the life of a boy mom. She was blessed with two adorable little boys. What is a typical day like for you and your kids? And do any of you run into the same issue of the kids not napping at the same time? Well, enjoy what Chrystal has posted. Until next time friends.


Hello, my name is Chrystal. I am the momma of two wild man cubs. I was thrilled to hear that Nicole started writing a blog and jumped at the chance to be a part of it this week.
Because I am constantly chasing after my two year old, swaying a fussy babe, and doing another hundred things a minute with my boys, I decided to embrace that chaos and show you a glimpse into our life. Going out with the boys takes constant vigilance and patience that I don't always have, but we are not the stay-at-home all day sort. We gladly walk into the face of potentially crazy situations in order to maintain our sanity. That being said, I've put together a photo collage that highlights something we did every hour for one day. I hope you enjoy a peek into the crazy circus we call family. Thank you Nicole for giving me the opportunity to share.

A Day in the Hunter Circus: A Picture an Hour
Praying for a good day before breakfast. Lord knows we often need Divine intervention!

 Decorating Jackson's pumpkin for preschool.

Getting ready
My jogging companions all bundled up.
Hanging out in Central Park
Lunch date at Chipotle with our ring leader
 This was supposed to be a picture of a peaceful, sleeping baby.
Quiet time before big brother wakes up.
The boy loves him some milk.
So close to crawling.
Finishing off the last of his popcorn from the movies with grandma and papa.
Getting ready for date night.
Token picture of fancy coffee from a hipster coffee shop.
Bath time
Ending the day with a good book.

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